The Minister of State for Health in a handshake with newly appointed Governing Board Chairman, and the DG NIPRD.

Research in Progress

DG, NIPRD in a chat with the Honourable Minister of State for Health, Dr. Adeleke Mamora

The Minister of State for Health in a handshake with newly appointed Governing Board Chairman, and the DG NIPRD.
Welcome Message
from the Director-General / Chief Executive
The National Institute for Pharmaceutical Research and Development (NIPRD) is a Federal Government Parastatal under the Federal Ministry of Health. The Agency was established by Government Order No. 33 Vol. 74 of 11th June 1987 Part B under the Science and Technology Act Cap 276. It became functional in the year 1989. In 2001 following a Federal Executive Council decision, NIPRD was moved to the Federal Ministry of Health (FMOH), with a huge investment in scientific equipment and human resources.
NIPRD is the only one of its kind in the Region, and is statutorily charged with the responsibility for research and development of drugs, vaccines...

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Federal Capital Territory, Nigeria.
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