Department of Pharmaceutical Technology & Raw Materials Development (PT&RMD)
The Department is currently headed by Dr. Christiana Yetunde Isimi, an Associate Professor in Pharmaceutics.
The Divisions in the Department include;
Preformulation studies
Formulation studies / design
Stability studies
Pharmaceutical raw materials development
The Department has a staff strength of 16 people; 8 research fellows, 6 technologists and 2 secretarial staff. We are currently involved in the development of excipients (micro & nanocrystalline cellulose and chitosan) from local sources (coconut husk and snail shell respectively), modification of starches from local sources, development oral and topical formulations from herbal extracts. We are also carrying out capsulation of Moringa oleifera leaf powder as part of the service rendered to customers through the Consult Unit. The Department recently obtained some new equipment including a dissolution apparatus (RC-6 Dissolution tester, China).
Functions of the Department:
Preformulation studies
Formulation studies/design
Stability studies
Pharmaceutical raw materials development
Areas of Specialization
Nanotechnology and its applications in medicine
Dosage form design, preparation and assessment
Development and stability profiling of raw materials and dosage forms